Henceforth I give to you, this year's 'Page Beach Jam' photos from last weekend in California.
Now, I must admit, having attended this thing for 6 years in a row, I was skeptical how this year could top those of years past. Here's how things usually play out: Uncles and family haul gear to my parents' house on the coast, a keg is ordered and picked up (usually by yours truly), and sunshades are erected in the sand (by, you guessed it... yours truly), and Beatles and Beach Boys songs are sung 'till the sun goes down.
Needless to say, I was looking for ways to keep things fresh and generally not get bored. Therefore I decided to attack the party as though it were a wedding or other large-scale event. Photojournalist style. The result? I had a great time, met some new friends, shot some tight frames, and got to enjoy music by the sea. It doesn't get any better than that.
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