Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chicago in the Summer

So this is a bit off topic, but barring any radical changes or dream bookings for the weekend of June 21st and 22nd, I will be jetting off to Chicago to (finally) see my beloved Cubbies live and in person at Wrigley Field.

Some may ask how it's possible that after 28 years, I still have never been to Wrigley. After all, I grew up in Wisconsin, my sister was born in Illinois, I went to college in Minnesota, and my mother's entire family is from Chi-town.

Sometimes necessity causes certain things slip through the cracks, I guess.

Needless to say, I am excited.

My good friend Kyle (a man who lives, sleeps, eats and breathes baseball, and is a huge Twins fan), had the connections to score us tickets for not just one game, but both the Saturday and Sunday games in the highly coveted terrace box section. Oh, and did I mention this is inter-league week? It's the Cubs vs. the Chi-Sox. NL vs. AL. Good vs. Evil.

It is going to be rowdy at Wrigley, that's for sure. Bring it on!

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